Our Team

Sanya Gupta

Founder, CEO

Sanya, a high school senior from Pleasanton, California, has a deep passion for coding and computer science. After surveying over 300 high schoolers in her community and learning only 5% of girls were interested in pursuing CS, she established GirlsInCS with the goal of inspiring young girls to explore the world of coding by demonstrating its flexibility and extensive applications in everyday life. Her workshops and events are designed to build confidence and curiosity, breaking down stereotypes and encouraging girls to visualize themselves as future leaders in technology. In her free time, Sanya enjoys fencing, spending quality time with her family, and participating in any and every outdoor activity.

Nehal Singh

GirlsInCS Chapter Lead
Dallas, Texas

Nehal Singh is a high school junior living in Dallas, TX. She is interested in artificial intelligence, and in her free time, she enjoys playing tennis. Through GirlsInCS, she is excited to share her passion for STEM and provide opportunities for other girls to explore the field.

Nandini Pande

GirlsInCS Chapter Lead
San Diego, California

Nandini Pande is a senior in high school who has been programming for about four years. She’s a hard working student who enjoys learning about AI and teaching herself programming languages. As an instructor, she hopes to be able to share her love of computer science with young girls and inspire them to succeed in the field.

Tanvi Gupta

GirlsInCS Chapter Lead
Seattle, Washington

No bio yet.


All classes are free of cost. To contribute to or join our cause, please contact girlsincs@gmail.com